The Morning Star


    Practicing Luciferianism and the Isolate Path of the Individual By Michael W. Ford

    Luciferianism has grown steadily since the publication of Book of the Witch Moon, Luciferian Witchcraft, The Bible of the Adversary and Adversarial Magick from 1999 through the 2000’s. Initially, my grimoires were for the select few whose philosophical and spiritual alignments existed ‘outside’ of established ‘occultism’ of the mainstream. Embracing an emerging and syncretic assimilation of techniques and practices embracing the “Adversary”, Luciferianism ascended from the groundbreaking Satanic teachings established by Anton Szandor LaVey and the Sethanic Egyptian practices of Charles M. Pace. Early on, I utilized disciplines, teachings and practices of all avenues of spirituality which could be applied from a Left Hand Path perspective.
    I utilized Aleister Crowley’s Thelema and that of John Whiteside Parsons, the artist Cameron, Kenneth Grant’s Typhonian tradition, Austin Osman Spare’s Zos Kia Cultus, Buddhist and Bon Po meditation disciplines, European “Satanic” and Cainite Witchcraft traditions (partially stemming from working with Typhonian and other groups), Voodoo and Palo Mayombe trance techniques and sorcery, Heretic Ancient Persian sorcery known as Yatuk Dinoih, the medieval grimoire traditions and demonology, Hellenistic (Greco-Roman), Egyptian and the Tree of Daath from Kabbalah. When utilized with Germanic Rune Magick, LaVeyan Satanic ritual psychodrama, Sinister Path teachings, Chaos Magic and the philosophical center of the Sethanic Cult of Masks, Luciferianism slowly took shape from my antinomian trial and error practices.
    More times than I could count, I was given resistance from every tradition I worked with. Being told “your wrong” consistently really put the “Left Hand Path” idea to the test. In that spectrum, I was completely alone and could only rely on myself. I trusted my instincts, I was aligned and aware of my “Daemon” and True Will. Against all odds, I practiced with both failures and success in good measure. As I forged my path, the successes in both mundane life and in my practice outweighed the mistakes. My aim was to establish an understanding of the hidden traits and virtues of the Adversary and the energy that archetype and current represented not only in history, but now in the so-called “enlightened” times.
    I soon began to conceptualize what the philosophical foundations of Luciferianism and how they differed from Satanism and similar LHP schools of thought. This initiatory journey revealed some clear points which strengthened the ‘otherness’ of the path and how Luciferianism embraces and supports other traditions. I have always taken great effort to recognize and support philosophically aligned traditions, even if they proclaim disdain to Luciferianism. I have always sought to “lead by example” in resisting the petty bickering and dart throwing against what others may perceive as “rivals” in the genre.
    Those who attack my works often have never read nor understood enough about Luciferianism to clearly bring valid points meriting discussion; it often is no more than profane immaturity and grade-school “name calling”. If a meaningful debate is offered, with a basic knowledge of what is being discussed, as time permits I always enjoy such diversions. If they offer empty insults with little to back their accusations, I ignore them and waste little thought on these (often) underachieving internet-occultists. If I decide to direct some sublime cruel comments or to smack them (metaphorically) back in their low place, I do such with pleasure and the joy that controlled disgust might bring.
    Luciferians as I have found are as unique and different as they could possibly be: interests are different, the approach of Luciferianism will be in any point on the spectrum between rational philosophy to spiritual practices known as Magick. Many find a connection with the more Satanic approach and aesthetic; others are dedicated to disciplined Thelemic practices. As I know from my establishment of the early Witchcraft covens and works, some are devoted to the Cainite mysteries of Luciferian craft.
    I find online communities and forums to be filled mainly with four types: the first being the recognized “leaders” who seem steadfast in their personalities online. They can either be Luciferian in perception or closed-off “elitists” who love to complain about anything slightly “different”. The second type are the “good” soldiers, those who embrace a specific “identity” based on their interests. They love to strive for trivial “titles” or the presumed authority to focus others to the first types’ designs. The third type are the dabblers and “trolls”: attracted as dabblers to the shallow “image” as they see it. The “trolls” simply find gratification by getting the attention of those they strive to annoy. The forth are the individualistic authoritarians: they focus on mature points of reference and don’t often spend too much time bickering or denouncing others.
    Several of these types are Luciferian.
    The first type are self-directed leaders who have the talent and interest for online communications. The second type are those who either have productive things going on in “real life” or like to support those who lead specific areas of interest. This does not indicate they are necessarily “followers”, they often contribute in numbers for those attempting to apply any type of chosen path. The forth type are often experienced and mature individuals who can be leaders when they find the opportunity to apply their talents or knowledge.
    The dabblers and trolls are always appearing and won’t be going away: like fleas they do what their nature drives them to do. Personality deficient losers will learn just enough about their target community to get their foot in the door, then drawing attention to themselves in some shallow way. How do you establish if a person is authentic to their proclaimed path? I found by experience it is very simple: Do they live in daily life the principles or philosophy they claim to believe in?
    Luciferians must be individuals to the point that there is a clear application of the 11 Points of Power, albeit uniquely to their own life. It starts in everyday routines until it is habit, once this has been established the individual begins to transform their way of thinking. The Luciferian evolves, becomes and life starts to reflect the inner world of this living philosophy. Some will try to be Luciferians to the point of hostility, proclaiming what they are to the point of boredom to the observer. Some will claim they are “Luciferian” so much that they start to believe it, without applying the essence of the philosophy. They might “get it” at some point, yet rarely this is so. You either think like a god or goddess, or you don’t. You either are self-confident with some level of a sense of humor or you take yourself way too seriously.
    Luciferians can use the adversarial approach in life to their advantage: this will make you stronger. Take interest in those who offer courtesy and mutual respect: have disdain and look right through the dabblers who will do nothing but irritate and waste your time. Luciferians are akin to gardeners: we must destroy parasitic plants to cultivate the beautiful and worthwhile treasures of that garden.


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