By Archon Jeremy Crow
Mar 9, 2017
How Do You Become A Luciferian?
Begin with obtaining a copy of “Wisdom of Eosphoros – The Luciferian Philosophy” by Michael W. Ford, Jeremy Crow, and Hope Marie. This short book is the philosophical foundation of Luciferianism and a step-by-step guided work towards becoming a Luciferian. When you apply the 11 Luciferian Points of Power in your life, noticing and recognizing the beginnings of self-transformation and all the path entails your awareness of possibility will become known to you. When you have applied on some level the 11 Points, core principles of the Luciferian, you may exalt in the self-emerged light of Lucifer.
Once you read “Wisdom of Eosphoros”,you might realize that you have been Luciferian for quite some time. We have not created a new concept of philosophy; we simply present the ancient streams of wisdom and arcane lore in a logical, vital philosophy of living. Luciferians seek to balance darkness and light; the shadow representing the primal instinct and our carnal desires; the light being the torch of divine consciousness and an intellectual, strong mind. This is fundamental, because Luciferians tend to be very self-deterministic. Notice the specific wording. It does not say that all Luciferians value self-determinism. There is no dogmatic set of beliefs to Luciferianism.
Each Luciferian forges their own personal theory and practise and each is unique. However, there are certain trends that can be detected in the community. Probably the most common trend would be finding inspiration in various world mythologies – especially those that deal with the cosmic rebel and the receipt of forbidden knowledge. Prometheus is an excellent example and has a lot of parallels with the Judeo-Christian myth of the serpent in Eden.
Do Luciferians in the GCOL have to practice Magick?
Luciferians define Magick as causing change internally and externally in accordance with the will; this begins on the level of thought and perception. The more you focus on something, the greater the energy is that you focus into it. There is a combination of Will, Desire and Belief in initiatory circles which composes the triangle of power. The individual may utilize the tools of meditation, visualization and using thoughts, words and actions to cause change in accordance to the will. Luciferians may practice ritual magick if they choose to or simply focus on their thoughts and meditations. There is no designated tradition or culture in Luciferianism, Michael W. Ford and Jeremy Crow are two authors who have presented numerous traditions of which Luciferianism is presented. Don’t worry about ceremony or ritual if you are not interested; use the mind, body and the actions to compel change in your inner and outer world.
Is Lucifer The Devil?
To answer this you must understand ancient religions, myths and symbols which existed in harmony with nature long before Christianity. The Devil is a symbol of human carnal instincts, desire and the rebel spirit which questions and challenges dogmatic thought and religion. Lucifer is represented as Venus, the morning and evening star; a perfect symbol of balance between the darkness and light.
An Exploration of Lucifer and The Devil in Christian Mythology
The word “Lucifer” pre-exists Christianity. Originally it was a term used by the Romans to refer to the planet Venus when seen as the last “star” visible in the sky as the Sun rises. Another term for this which is even older is “The Morning Star” which symbolically heralds the rising of the Sun – somewhat akin to the symbolism of a rooster. In fact, for a very long time the term Lucifer was often used by Christians to refer to Christ. For an example of this right in the bible, check out Revelation 22:16 where the resurrected and triumphant Christ refers to himself as the Morning Star. There was even an early Church Father who took on the ecclesiastical name of Lucifer when he became a Bishop and nobody at that time would have considered it to be a reference to the devil.
It wasn’t until the year 1611 when the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible was published that the word Lucifer started to become synonymous with Satan. This stems directly from the choice of words used in the English version of Isaiah 14:12-15, which I think is worth quoting:
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds: I will be like the most High.’ Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.”
If read in context, this is simply a denunciation of the King of Babylon, who is being compared to the planet Venus in the sky still shining its light after all the other stars have gone dim, but ultimately getting overpowered by the light of the Sun. It’s an analogy used to condemn the King’s arrogance by comparing him to a familiar (daily for about half the year) celestial phenomenon. This is the kind of thing we see many examples of when reading the Greek myths but for some reason overlook when found in the Bible.
This book of the Bible (Isaiah) was originally written in Hebrew, so where does this Latin word come from you may be wondering? The original Hebrew uses the terminology of “The Morning Star” (if translated directly into English) which was their term for the appearance of the planet Venus in the morning. Eventually this was translated into the Latin Vulgate version of the bible where the word Lucifer was used (as it was in the quote from Revelation referring to Christ, and other places, such as 2nd Epistle of Peter, etc… Imagine reading the Latin version of the Bible and seeing Christ referring to himself as Lucifer? It’s right there in Rev 22 if you read the Vulgate!) All the other uses of the word Lucifer were translated into English as Morning Star or Shining One, except this passage from Isaiah. Some contend that this word choice may have actually been a political smear campaign against Bishop Lucifer. The term Lucifer became specifically associated with the devil and Satan when later Christians connected this story with the prophesy of a war in heaven described in Revelation 12:7-9
“And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
Even though this text is usually considered by Christians to be a vision of future events to happen around the apocalypse, people came to believe (probably from the influence of Milton) that this particular part of the vision depicted events that had already happened before Adam and Eve were booted out of Eden. Therefore, this is how the Latin word Lucifer became associated in the minds of Christians with the serpent in Eden as well as with Satan.
The word Lucifer itself literally means “Light Bearer” in the original Latin. Light and Darkness have forever been used as an analogy for Knowledge and Ignorance (respectively), the term Light-Bearer therefore refers to the bringing of knowledge. There are undeniable parallels between this concept and the Hellenistic Greek figure of Prometheus, who rebelliously and heroically brought the forbidden fire of the Olympian gods to humanity and taught them how to harness it for all sorts of arts and sciences. Prior to this, Humans were ignorant, animalistic slaves to the gods, particularly Zeus (Jupiter in the pagan Roman pantheon of gods) who was King of gods. Zeus would have rather kept humans ignorant and obedient to him, so being angered at Prometheus he binds him to a boulder or mountain (essentially a large mass of Earth) and sees to it that he is tortured. Prometheus eventually escapes this punishment with the aid of Heracles (Hercules in the Roman myths.)
This is almost the same story of the temptation of Eve by the serpent in Eden. God forbids humanity to partake of the fruit of knowledge, preferring to keep them ignorant servants to tend his garden. The serpent points this out to Eve and she partakes. God is angered that his order has been upset and becomes fearful that humans will also partake of the Tree of Life. If that were to happen, Adam and Eve would not only have the knowledge of gods but be immortal as well. To prevent this from happening, God banishes them from Eden. He also strips the serpent of his limbs so that he has to crawl on his belly in the dirt (another symbol of being Earth-bound, just like Prometheus.) In the biblical book of Revelations, the devil or dragon is eventually unchained from the Abyss, although in the Christian story this is only temporary.
Putting all of this together, including not only the usage of the term before Christianity, during early (before the year 1611 CE) Christianity as well as the further folkloric developments after the KJV was published, they all point to the same force of enlightenment and emancipation from cosmic enslavement through knowledge. Further analysis, of not just these stories, but stories found all through the Bible (think Abraham being ordered to sacrifice his own child, Moses being ordered to commit genocide against the Canaanites in order to establish Zion/Israel, and even Jesus allowing himself to be crucified) paint a very clear picture that the natural physical drives we all possess (the much maligned “animal urges”) as well as the desire for truth and knowledge are all demonized in order to provide an insidious set of controls for temporal authorities to exploit in their quest for power over others. This control system is inherent in the Bible, not simply some twisted interpretation (although that does also occur.)
The Bible itself, however, contains the seeds of its own undoing. Try studying it for the purpose of understanding the effect that is intended upon the readers/believers. You will discover that a better religion would be difficult to create if your purpose is to keep a massive number of slaves under control. Islam, based on the same core scriptural material, is also an effective slave religion. The word Islam itself means Submission to God’s Will, which is revealed in the texts and interpreted by the priest class (of course.) Ever notice how political and religious leaders often give lip service to Christianity or Islam or any other mainstream public religion, but then go and do whatever they want anyways? It’s because they want those who they rule over to believe. It makes these believers more complacent about their role as human cattle. We could use the actual analogy given to us in scripture of the followers as “sheep” requiring a “shepherd”, which of course are the members of the priest class.
In the eyes of most mainstream Christians, Lucifer is currently considered to be a name of Satan or the devil. There is an element of the Gnostic interpretation of Christianity in the manner most self-described Luciferians consider the term Lucifer, but many use the term exclusively or at least primarily in connection with the pre-Christian and sometimes the early Christian usage of the term to indicate liberating knowledge or the force of enlightenment. The term Promethean is a suitable alternate for Luciferian if you do not want to reference a concept that has been influenced by Abrahamic thought. This is the route taken by Percey Shelley. However, many still prefer the more recognizable and, to be frank, the more provocative term “Luciferian.”
Are Luciferians Part of a Global Conspiracy?
We can’t speak for all Luciferians, but the vast majority of Luciferians are not interested in forcing their beliefs on anyone else. This goes especially for the Greater Church of Lucifer. It has been said elsewhere that if through your explorations you decide that any of what are sometimes referred to as Right Hand Path spiritual paths are where you are drawn toward, you are encouraged to explore that fully. On this same note, it should be mentioned that the original Illuminati was against entrenched systems of control, especially the Monarchy and the Priesthood. They were in favour of Democracy.
If you are from a conspiracy theory background you are encouraged to research the history for yourself and to make up your own mind. Luciferians, as Light Bringers, are inherently interested in exposing the Truth at any cost. Those “global elites” spoken of so often are all about concealing information. By the very definition, this is not genuine Luciferian behaviour. In the immortal words of Timothy Leary, you need to think for yourselves and question authority.
Do Luciferians Worship Satan?
Luciferians do not submit or recognize a greater power outside self! The Luciferian character recognizes the heroic traits of the Milton “Satan” from “Paradise Lost”, a modern mythical work and the ancient legends of ancient gods and the Watchers of the Book of Enoch. These are symbols of the character of the Luciferian, not a literal belief in a “netherworld” of conscious beings.
Luciferians prefer to treat him as a symbol, an inspiration, an ally or a guide depending on how they perceive the world and personal spirituality.
Luciferians must recognize myth from reality, symbol and meaning and when speaking to non-Luciferians, the logic based facts of our philosophy!
Regardless of the mainstream Christian stance on the identities of Lucifer and Satan, most Luciferians consider them to be separate entities. Even those Luciferians who do equate them will typically differentiate between the two terms in some way. Lucifer is a Latin word meaning Light Bearer. This is typically interpreted as representing the force of enlightenment and initiation, Light being a universal symbol of conscious awareness and Truth. Satan is a Hebrew word meaning Adversary. This is interpreted a few different ways. One of the most common in the community is to use Satan to represent an entity which is an adversary to yourself, attempting to keep you ignorant and enslaved. This meaning is often connected with the Gnostic Demiurge. The other main usage of the term Satan involves seeing this entity as an adversary to either God or mainstream morality. This second view of Satan connects it with carnality and hedonism. Those Luciferians who were formerly Satanists will tend toward this carnal definition of Satan.
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